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Online Registration

Returning Students

All returning student registration is completed in the Skyward family access portal. If your child has attended Westwood ISD in the past and is returning from attending a different school district or homeschool, you must submit proof of residence to your child’s campus before their registration can be accepted in Skyward.

Skyward Family Access Login 

Guide: Returning Students for Skyward Enrollment

New-to-Westwood ISD Students

If your child has never attended Westwood ISD and you would like to register him/her for the next school year, please use the following link to register your new student(s). 

New-to-Westwood Student Enrollment

Guide: New Students for Skyward Enrollment

Additional documentation is required to complete new student registration. For required document submission information, click here: 

New Students: Required Documentation

Immunization Requirements

Student Transfer Applications

Any student who does not reside within the Westwood ISD boundaries must apply to be a transfer student each year.  An application and documentation is required for each potential transfer student. WISD does not accept transfers for Pre-Kindergarten students.  To access the transfer applications, click the following links:

24 - 25 Primary (K-2nd grade) Transfer Application

24 - 25 Elementary (3rd- 6th grade) Transfer Application

24 - 25 Junior High (7th-8th grade) Transfer Application

24 - 25 High School (9th-12th grade) Transfer Application